Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Basic Linux commands

Useful  Linux Commands:

1. How to find and kill a process in Unix:

find a process: ps -ef |grep tomcat

kill process: kill -9 (pid)

2.How will you figure out free available space in Uni

Ans: df command – Shows the amount of disk space used and available on Linux file systems.du command – Display the amount of disk space used by the specified files and for each subdirectory.
df -h

3. Help for any command

man  command name like man df

4.How will you find files recursively that contains specific words in their contents
Search for a given string in all files recursively
$ grep -r "ramesh" * 

5.Search for a given string in a file (case in-sensitive search)
$ grep -i "the" demo_file

6. How will you find files recursively that contains specific words in their filename
find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*string*" -print 
It will find all files in the current directory (delete maxdepth 1 if you want
it recursive) containing "string" and will print it on the screen.

7.How to sort a file using unix command
sort -filename
for numeric sort
sort -n filename

reverse sort
sort -r filename      

reverse sort without duplicate

sort -u -i filename

8. How to count number of lines in a file in unix terminal

wc sort.txt
output : 5  5 41 sort.txt 
The three numbers produced in output correspond to number of lines, 
number of words and number of bytes 

9.How will you list nth column of a flat file in Unix ?
awk '{ print $2 $4 }' filename.txt
10.How will you find a process using specific port in Unix and Windows ?
netstat -tulpn
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1138/mysqld     
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      850/portmap        
filter for specfic port:
netstat -tulpn | grep :80 

11.How will you copy a file from one Unix host to another Unix host
In the following example, transfer all files (/var/www/html) from remote server called server1 to another server called server2:
scp -r user@server1:/var/www/html/ user@server2:/var/www/html/

I recommend using rsync command which will only push or download updated files. It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon. In this example, copy files from remote server called server1 into /backup directory:
rsync -avz -e ssh user@server1:/var/www/html /backup 

Basic Linux/Unix Commands Part1

Commands are entered at terminal
Unix is case sensitive
~ Home directory
_ and hyphen allowed in file names, spaces
are not allowed
hidden files start with .
There is no recycle bin in Unix. Files deleted cannot be restored.
every user has a home directory denoted by ~
Change password
ls –l <directory>ls -l <directory>ls -t
ls -a
ls -la
List files and subdirectories
All information of files or subdirectories
Sort by creation time
all directories including hidden directory
. – current
.. – parent
cd <directory>
cd ..
cd /
cd ~
Change directory
parent directory
root directory
home directory of user
present working directory
man <command>
documentation for all unix commands
if there is : at bottom next page of documentation press <spacebar> to get out of documentation press q
cat <filename>
more <filename>
displays contents of file, scrolls if file is large
display page wise contents of a file
mkdir <directoryname>
mv <filename> <destination_directory>
cp <source_file> <new_file>
cp -R <source_dir> <destination_dir>
create new directory
move a file to another location
wildcards can be used to move multiple files
copy files
copy all files and subdirectories recursively
rm <filename>
rmdir <directory>
rm -R <directory>
There is no recycle bin in unix and file/directory once deleted cannot be recovered
remove a file
wildcards can also be used
remove the directory
Empty directory cannot be removed
remove everything in directory including the directory
ln <source_file> <destination_file>
ln -s <sourc_dir> <destination_dir>
ls <linkeddirectory>
Link file
Deleting a linked file does not delete original file
Link a directory. create a symbolic link
find <wheretofind> -name <whattofind> -print
find <wheretofind> -type d -print
find <wheretofind> -type f –print
find <wheretofind> -size +10M -print
Find a file. Print results on screen
Get all directories
Get all files
Get all files >10MB

Linux Commands Part2

!<line no>
Get all previous commands
Run a command from history list
chmod <permission> <filename>
Change file/directory permissions
wc <file_name>
wc -w <file_name>
wc -l <file_name>
ls | wc -l
count of lines, count of words, count of characters
count of words
count of lines
count of files in a directory
head <file_name>
tail <file_name>
tail -f <file_name>
first few lines
last few lines
watch last lines of a file as it grows
Clear screen
grep <word> <filename>
grep -c <word> <filename>
grep -i <word> <filename>
grep -v <word> <filename>
grep ^<word> <filename>
grep <word>$ <filename>
grep a. <filename>
grep a* <filename>
grep a[bc] <filename>
Searh a word in file
count of times a word occurs
case insensitive search
lines which do not have the word
line starting with word
line ending with word
. means any character. word a followed with any character
occurrence of a followed with any number of characters
searches for words ab or ac in file
diff <filename1> <filename2>
Compare contents of two files
tar –cvf <tar_file_name> <contents>
tar –tvf <tar_file_name>
tar –xvf <tar_file_name>
Create a tar file
Get list of tar file contents
Extract contents of tar file
env | more
get list of all environment variables
echo $SHELL
echo $PATH
get name of shell
get PATH variable contents
which <command>
Get the location of file for command
Get list of all processes
ps aux | grep <username>
Get list of all process running for all users and then sort the processes for a user
kill <processId>
kill -9 <processId>
Kills a process
Kills a process and all its child processes
vi editor commands
vi <filename>
Open an existing or new file in vi editor
Go to insert mode
Get out of insert mode
Delete a character
Write and quit


Java Interview Questions
Java Qestions
  1. How do you create an Object instance without using new
    1. Using newInstance method of Class class Eg: Class clas = Class.forName("NewClass"); NewClass obj = (NewClass) clas.newInstance(); - Class.forName() loads the class and to create an object, we need to use newInstance() method of Class class. or using class loader: getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass("NewClass").newInstance();
    2. Using Object Deserialization Eg : ObjectInputStream objStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream );
      NewClass obj = (NewClass ) inStream.readObject();
    3. Using clone() of java.lang.Object Eg: NewClass obj = new NewClass();
      NewClass obj2 = obj.clone(); - Creates copy of an existing object

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